At the forefront of surfboard design innovation and tradition, the Channel Islands Motorboat stands as an icon. Offering performance without compromise to keep surfers smiling in the lineup.

With so many boards available to surfers today, selecting one that’s the right fit may feel like sailing through an endless sea.

This review seeks to shed light on the Motorboat by Channel Islands, an innovative board with unique attributes. This board meets both modern surfers’ needs while remaining true to one of the industry’s reputable names in craftsmanship.

Motorboat development | History of Marine Technology (MTT).

The Channel Islands Motorboat is more than just an aesthetic aesthetic; it represents years of engineering expertise to enhance small wave surfing experience.

Introduced at the forefront of the performance hybrid shortboard revolution, the Motorboat offered something distinct with its distinct outline – more comprehensive in both nose and tail area, combined with a flatter rocker profile.

At its release, this design philosophy was widely seen as revolutionary; signaling a shift towards boards designed to cover more conditions without compromising speed or liveliness.


Design and Construction Surfer David of David’s Boardroom put his Motorboat through its paces on a 6’0 version with 37.7 liters of volume. Equipped with Futures Black Stix V2 fins for optimal maneuverability and responsiveness.

Tailored for Waves

With its wide, round squash tail and low entry and exit rocker, the Motorboat provides exceptional drive in flatter surf conditions, keeping riders engaged and propelled forward. Additionally, its low entry/exit rocker configuration and flat center make this board an excellent option for surfers looking for speed and maneuverability in less-than-ideal conditions.

This board’s bottom contours, boasting a standard all-rounder single to double concave design, further attest to its versatility, providing lift, control, and easy transitions between maneuvers. Fuller rails allow for greater forgiveness in soft conditions without creating unwanted catches that could disrupt a ride’s flow.

Thruster Configuration Completing the design is a three-fin thruster setup, an established technique for providing stability while still being capable of making precise turns. This configuration complements the Motorboat’s all-around capabilities by catering to various surfing styles and conditions.

Performance Analysis

The Channel Islands Motorboat excels in small to medium-sized waves, from waist-high to just overhead conditions. Its design caters to surfers seeking an all-purpose board that can manage average days at the beach while being capable of showing its true power when conditions improve.

The wide and flat design of this board, coupled with its tail design, enables effortless wave catching – an invaluable asset on days when the ocean offers more mush than muscle.

However, it should be remembered that knee-high range may limit the board’s full potential and David found difficulty creating enough speed with such limited conditions.

Yet as the size of swell increases, Motorboat’s rhythm quickly returns as its sweet spot in larger waves is revealed.

Comparative Analysis

The Motorboat stands out in an ocean of small wavecraft by virtue of its distinctive features. When pitted against other models like Psillakis MP Diamond or Chilli Cherry Peppa, its design philosophy of blending flatness, volume and width stands out.

Each board offers something distinct, with the Motorboat standing out as an accessible board that emphasizes fun without compromising performance.


The Channel Islands Motorboat exemplifies the brand’s dedication to innovation. Specifically designed to satisfy a specific segment of surfers who desire a board capable of both fun, small-wave surfing and providing performance in more demanding conditions, this board stands as testament to that dedication.

Design of this quiver thoughtfully addresses the evolving needs of surfers who prioritize versatility, ease of use and an element of fun in their quivers.

Although not the ideal solution for knee-high conditions, the Motorboat’s performance in waves ranging from small to just overhead shows its capacity to enhance everyday surfing experiences.

With appropriate fins and an open mind, the Motorboat allows surfers to explore the subtle nuances of their local breaks for an engaging and rewarding ride.

Overall, the Channel Islands Motorboat is an appealing choice for anyone searching for a board that blends fun and versatility.

No matter if you’re carving through onshore muck or sailing smoothly across cleaner conditions, the Motorboat expertly navigates small wave scenarios with grace and agility.

This board reminds us to enjoy simplicity, encouraging surfers to approach waves with an adventurous mindset and an open heart.


1. Which size waves does the Channel Islands Motorboat accommodate for best?

The Motorboat excels at handling medium to small waves, from waist-high to overhead conditions. Specifically designed to make average conditions work effectively but capable of dealing with better waves as well.

2. Can the Motorboat be ridden in knee-high waves?

Although the Motorboat can catch waves as knee-high, creating enough speed to enjoy the ride can be challenging. When waves pick up beyond this height range, the board becomes much more effective at performing at its full potential.

3. What fins did David use with the Motorboat?

David was riding his Channel Islands Motorboat equipped with Futures Black Stix V2 fins – this combination was found to maximize performance, increasing liveliness and speed.

4. What are its key design features?

Key features of the Fiji surfboard include its wide, rounded squash tail designed to drive-in flat-faced surf, its low entry and exit rocker with a flat center for speed, its standard all-rounder single-through double concave bottom contour for maneuverability, its fuller rails for forgiveness in soft conditions, as well as its three fin thruster setup that balances stability with maneuverability.

5. How does the Motorboat compare with other small waveboards?

The Motorboat stands out among trim wave options such as Psillakis MP Diamond and Chilli Cherry Peppa with its wide, flat outline and versatile performance, designed for fun in small waves without compromising its ability to perform under better conditions.

6. Will my motorboat handle steep and punchy waves?

Motorboats are specifically designed to handle flatter conditions with smaller swells. Though capable of handling clean and slightly better waves than mushy waves, their design may not make them suitable for very steep or punchy waves due to being optimized for fun and performance in smaller waves.

David is the visionary founder of, a dedicated surfer with over a decade of experience riding waves across the globe. With an unwavering passion for the sport and a deep understanding of what makes a great surfboard, David created to guide fellow surfers through the complex world of surfboards.

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